Engaging your child in literacy-building activities will boost their emergent language development and increase the likelihood of future academic success. Take advantage of these s...
Let's uncover the magic and fun that CVC words bring to your child's language development and discover how these word superheroes optimize language learning and create an adventure...
Preschool is the time when your child is introduced to a diverse range of unfamiliar subjects and topics. Making your lessons effective and fun can be easy with these simple steps.
Gross motor skills describe the body's ability to move large muscle groups such as legs, arms, torso and feet. Fostering gross motor skill development in early childhood supports l...
When teaching the letters of the alphabet, the frequent question emerges: How do I teach the letter X sound? Introducing the letter X poses multiple difficulties. Find out how to e...
What parent or teacher wouldn't be alarmed by the shocking discoveries about the traditional ball-and-stick handwriting method? Discover why it matters and what you can do about it...
Looking for something to do with those recycled toilet paper rolls? Why not a rocket?! Your child will love make and playing with this toilet paper roll rocket.
Handwriting is paramount to develop early childhood cognition. It primes students to learn to read more quickly and positions them for creativity and information retention. Learn h...
Discover how reading to your child increases mental strength, emotional stability and knowledge. Get insights on cultivating these success factors early in a child's life.
Are your children full of energy, running around looking for a creative and fun activity to do? Have a blast making this simple cereal box guitar and let them play in the band for ...
Art projects help your child develop fine motor skills, coordination, and produce a creative outlet to express their imagination. Below is a list of simple, yet fun art projects yo...
Alphabet letter crafts are an excellent activity to add to your letter of the week studies for children in preschool and kindergarten. Plus, your children will love creating these ...
Need a Memorial Day kids art craft idea? Enjoy teaching your kids with this patriotic art craft! Make the U.S. flag using colored paper and a paper towel roll - Simple U.S. flag te...
If you want to bypass b-d letter reversal problems - using effective methods of teaching the alphabet that virtually eliminates 100% of these letter reversal issues - then these le...
Learn how your words can dramatically impact the lives of your children. Are you aware that your praises can hurt them? Are you helping them develop a fixed-mindset or a growth-min...
Effective communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal are fundamental in a child's development. They strongly influence important aspects of social, emotional and professional...
Ensuring our educators' and parents' mental and emotional health is not just a noble goal; it's a strategic move for a less chaotic classroom and a more harmonious household.
Remember when it was you, sitting with a blank stare, gazing into the pages of your school books? Do you recall the authoritative toned voice that sounded from the front of the roo...
Creating an enjoyable learning environment in your home or classroom promotes higher levels of engagement, focus, and retention allowing for greater individual progress along side ...
Fine motor skills describe the body's ability to move small muscles such as the fingers, toes, lips, tongue and wrists. These are fundamental to engage in smaller, more precise and...
Create a city with roads and buildings using recycled milk cartons. Boys will love pushing their little cars around the city after they enjoyed this art project activity.
You may have heard it said that talent is born, not grown. If this is the case, where does it leave you with regards to your child development process?
Your child will have fun practicing counting numbers 1-10 with this colorful art project activity. Build a number tree using our template cut-out and colored paper.
Practice alphabet letter names and/or sounds with Mr. Alphabet Finder. This learning activity is perfect for young children just learning about the alphabet letters.
Is your preschooler learning the alphabet but not quite comfortable holding a pencil yet? Or maybe your child is showing signs that they don't want to trace letters any longer? If ...
Letter of the week craft activity: Letter Q is for Quail. Simple and easy letter craft for children in preschool or kindergarten.
Learning the AlphabetThe Complete Guide
Everything you need to effectively teach the alphabet and help your child to build a strong reading and writing foundation.
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Learning the Alphabet
A complete set of worksheets specifically designed to help teach each letter of the alphabet - starting from the most basic concept of the letter shape to the introduction of the most common sound.