Help Your Preschooler Practice Counting While Having Fun With This Number Activity

Making a number tree to practice counting one through 10

Make learning fun with this simple number counting activity with your preschooler. Create a colorful number tree with numbers 1 through 10 and encourage your child to practice counting as you build the tree.

Supplies you will need:

  • 10 different color papers
  • Download My Teaching Station Number Tree Template
  • Scissors
  • Marker to draw numbers


  1. Print Number Tree Template on colorered paper (optional: print on white paper and use outline to trace it tree and circles on the colored paper).
    Tree Template for Kids Art Project
  2. Cut the tree and circles.
  3. Glue circles on the branches of the tree.
  4. Mark the top circle with numbers 1 through 10.
  5. Practice counting!