Everything you need to effectively teach the alphabet and help your child to build a strong reading and writing foundation.
Increase your child's learning progress today!
Cut out the Oval shapes and paste them into the larger shape in this printable worksheet. Perfect for preschool children to practice recognizing shapes.
Practice number formation, tracing, counting, ten-frame number recognition, and number variation in this action-packed number 6 review worksheet. Available in color.
Help your preschooler learn and practice the concept of small, medium, and large with this printable math worksheet. To complete the exercise your child will connect the shapes to ...
Cut out the Rectangle shapes and paste them into the larger shape in this printable worksheet. Perfect for preschool children to practice recognizing shapes.
Shapes and numbers are the basic foundation of preschool math. Use these simple worksheets to help your preschooler practice indentifying and counting shapes.
Trace and color different sizes of the same shape in this printable worksheet. Practice drawing oval, diamond, pentagon and hexagon shapes while working on fine motor skills.
Teach your preschooler the concept of big and small with this printable math worksheet. To complete the exercise your child will compare the shapes and identify which is small and ...
Learn the basic geometric shape - triangle, with a fun and simple activity. This printable is perfect for introducing the concept of shapes to children in preschool.
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Learning the Alphabet
A complete set of worksheets specifically designed to help teach each letter of the alphabet - starting from the most basic concept of the letter shape to the introduction of the most common sound.